How can we help?
Our core service is straightforward: we find out what you want and send you a quote, or multiple quotes depending on what works best for you. Once you’ve accepted a quote, we only need a purchase order from you, then we will send an invoice to pay once you have the goods.
We can also adapt the process to meet your needs by:
Awarding the work directly to a single supplier. This is works well when you know what you want, want to move at pace and particularly if you have a supplier you already know you want to use.
Providing you with advice and help to benchmark the cost of the work or goods you want to purchase, using our data and insight on suppliers and cost.
Run a “mini competition”; working with you to create a spec, managing tenders from different suppliers, and facilitating the process through scoring to identifying a lead supplier. This is a good route for procuring more complex services. It can also help if you’re not sure what you want, if you want to test the supplier market, or particularly if your organisation is looking for more assurance on price and service quality. It takes 4-16 weeks depending on the complexity of work, number of suppliers invited to compete etc.