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How to stay safe as Windows 10 support goes ‘end of life’. IT Procurement for Windows 11 (Part Two): E-waste and responsible recycling

The end of Microsoft Windows 10 support is approaching from October 2025, and the end of Microsoft support can have very significant implications for data security and compliance with industry, sector and education data protection policies.

If your school or Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) requires equipment upgrades to secure uninterrupted data security, our Department for Education (DfE)-recommended ICT procurement framework can provide informed and expert help.

Upgrading to Windows 11 will become a must for many schools and Trusts. This transition presents an opportunity to adopt responsible e-waste management and improve sustainable procurement practices. In this second instalment of our ‘IT Procurement for Windows 11' series, we focus on minimising environmental impact during your upgrade process, including responsible recycling, and efficient lifecycle management techniques.

Discover how partnering with an ICT procurement framework, such as Everything ICT, can help you work with responsible suppliers and minimise waste throughout your transition.

Responsible E-Waste Management:

Responsible recycling for Windows 11

As you upgrade devices, it's an excellent time to implement strategies that minimise e-waste and reduce your environmental footprint. Look to extend the lifespan of existing hardware wherever possible, such as repurposing devices for less demanding tasks or donating equipment to organisations in need.

When it's time to dispose of outdated hardware, ensure responsible recycling by utilising certified e-waste recycling programmes. Proper disposal practices prevent unnecessary landfill contributions and promote a more sustainable future.

In addition to the environmental benefits, responsible e-waste management also contributes to enhanced data security. By using certified recycling programs and ensuring proper disposal, you reduce the risk of unauthorised access to sensitive information stored on outdated devices.

Everything ICT have several approved ICT recycling suppliers who can help you manage your e-waste responsibly.


Strategic Lifecycle Management:

Smart ICT procurement goes beyond the initial buy; it involves strategic lifecycle management. This approach considers the long-term use and sustainability of resources, making the most of your tech investments while cutting down on waste. Whether you choose to lease or purchase devices to support the Windows 11 upgrade, (for a detailed analysis of device acquisition options, see part one of this series here), partnering with an ICT procurement framework, such as Everything ICT, can help to streamline the process of working with responsible suppliers.

Everything ICT assesses all suppliers on their sustainability practices as part of our approval process. By utilising a framework like ours, you gain access to a network of vendors that prioritise circular economy principles, ensuring resources are used efficiently and waste is minimised.


As you work towards Windows 11 adoption or explore alternative solutions, it’s important to recognise that each procurement decision can contribute to sustainable change. By implementing e-waste reduction strategies, you can move towards a more eco-conscious future at the same time as improving your school or MAT’s technology infrastructure.

Contact us to find out how we can help you to achieve a sustainable Windows 11 transition.


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